The top thief of landscape company profits is labor overruns on a job

not knowing how long the landscaping job took

The pressure is on, you scratched that estimate together late at night, estimated how many man-hours that job would take, came up with the price, and hit SEND.

You sold it. 🎉 You completed it. ✅

But life rarely goes as planned. How long did that job ACTUALLY take?

The top thief of landscape company profits is labor overruns. Not knowing estimated vs actual man hours is like shooting at a target (estimating) but never looking at the target to see where you actually hit.

If you never look at your estimated vs actual man hours, you can’t adjust to hit the bullseye 🎯 on the next one.

If “not knowing” is gnawing at your gut, I get it. I’ve been there. And it’s why I’m sitting here writing this right now; to share with you how we fixed it in our company and how you can too with SynkedUP.

Step 1 of 2

Let's Talk 👆

Trey Chilcoat used to take 3-4 hours to job cost a job, now he can see it in real-time

“Our old job costing system was LMN, Quickbooks Projects, and paper and pen. We’d never know the results until after the job was done. Now I know exactly where we are at any given point, which allows us to make decisions and react in real-time vs trying to figure out what we did 30 days ago.
Trey Chilcoat, owner of From The Ground Up Landscaping in Pennsylvania

💵 Annual Revenue: $1m-$2m
👷‍♂️ Employees: 5-10

Stop losing hard-earned profits on labor overruns

Wrapping up a beautiful job but only having pennies instead of dollars in profit is frustrating. The most common way this happens is labor overruns. Get visibility into your estimated vs actual labor on every job.

"I've lived through losing money on jobs because of labor overruns. I am determined to never let that happen again without me knowing, so that I can adjust my estimating for the next job. SynkedUP tells me exactly what my estimated vs actual hours are on every job."
Craig Sheller - Owner of Sheller Outdoor
Craig Sheller
Owner of Sheller Outdoor - Missouri

💵 Annual Revenue: $1m – $2m
👷‍♂️ Employees: 4-7

Know your estimated vs actual man-hours and costs on every job.

You’re not alone. Landscapers struggle with this. But thousands have solved it and you can too. When you KNOW your estimated vs actual hours, you have a feedback loop and can nip estimating mistakes that cause bleeding profits in the bud.

"We almost went bankrupt last year, and SynkedUP has changed my life and the course of our business. Since we're tracking our jobs in SynkedUP, we can see exactly where we went right and where we went wrong on our estimated vs actual man-hours and costs, and we can stop the bleeding for the next one. We are up 50% in net profit compared to last year."
Chris Morales - SynkedUP user for Outdoor Living and Landscaping Company
Chris Morales
Owner of Morales Outdoor Living - Tennessee

💵 Annual Revenue: $1m – $1.5m
👷‍♂️ Employees: 3-6

Start seeing the profit in your bank account

It’s not who works the hardest that wins. It’s the one who is watching their numbers, their estimated vs actual hours, and adapts in real-time to stop the bleeding on mistakes that wins.

"I've lived through some tough winters, struggling to survive. Not anymore. Since SynkedUP I have much better visibility into my estimated vs actual hours, which helps me know immediately when I make a mistake. Then I can correct the issue on the next one instead of just continuously bleeding, repeating the same mistakes."
Jonathan Gunipero - Stateline Landscaping MA
Jonathan Gunipero
Owner of Stateline Landscaping - Massachusetts

💵 Annual Revenue: $400k – $600k
👷‍♂️ Employees: 2-4