Are Your Rates Too High? 👉 Debunked

“What happens if my rates are more than the market can bear?”
“I went down the rabbit hole of figuring out my numbers, and I found my hourly rate that I need to charge to cover all of my overhead expenses and be profitable.”
“Now I’m concerned.”
“Because I’m afraid what my calculations are telling me are pricing me right out of the market.”
“What happens if my rates are more than the market can bear?”
I got this question on a webinar I did with Techo-Bloc this week.
And it’s a common one.
Often we are charging ahead, just focusing on getting the work done.
And sticking to our good ol’ trusty hourly rate we’ve been able to sell work at.
But when uncertainty, lack of confidence, and lack of cash in the bank creeps up on us, we finally sit down to run some calculations again and try to unearth the truth about what we really need to be charging.
And… the result scare us a little.
“Am I going to be able to sell work at that rate!?”
“I’m already more expensive than my competition!”
That right there is the problem I want to work on in this article.
And identify some ways to work forward and solve this problem.
And also identify some common traps and pitfalls we might fall in to, sabotaging our profitability in the process.
Ways to solve the problem
When you don’t like what the results of your calculations are, you essentially have two choices: cut overhead expenses, or get more work done.
Meaning cut bills, or increase billings.
Lowering overhead expenses:
Lowering overhead expenses can seem simple enough, but a word of caution.
Don’t cut off the hand that is feeding you. ie – you still need your truck to get to the jobsite.
You still need your marketing to feed you leads to sell work to.
But beyond those obvious things to not cut, there often is some waste that we can get more efficient at or cut.
Just the sheer act of sitting down and scrutinizing what those things are can produce savings.
Add production labor:
It might seem counterintuitive, but when you hire more labor to produce jobs, you get more work done.
ie you increase billings.
And, here is the cool part, your overhead is now spread across more people, meaning your dollars for overhead per man-hour go down, bringing your overall labor rate down.
Increase efficiency:
There is a lot of fruit on the vine of this one.
At Tussey Landscaping we made double digit increases in our net profit by focusing on this one relentlessly.
Things such as getting fuel right at your shop, finding ways to be more efficient with your logistics of getting materials to the jobsite, etc.
Essentially you look at your whole operation and you ask yourself: How can I have my skilled labor on the jobsite as much time as possible?
Maximize on-site time.
Sure you might “save” yourself a delivery fee by running to go get the materials yourself, but it costs you not only the labor and truck to go get it, but the person in the truck is not progressing the job completion by being off-site.
The opportunity cost is far more valuable.
Keep your skilled labor on site. Find other ways or other people to do everything else.
Add value – do the things your competitors are not willing to do:
Have a brainstorming session on this one with your team.
What can you do to elevate your client’s experience from the moment they reach out to you.
Everything in this pursuit should be designed through the lens of making it easier and more enjoyable to do business with us.
It can take time to realize the effect of making investments in this way, but once they do, it comes in the form of reputation.
And reputation is powerful.
Have a professional power washer clean their driveway after your job is done.
Give them gift certificates to an auto detailer to clean their cars after you are done making all the dust.
Create an incredible “introduction” to your company in your sales process.
Professionally introduce your crew upon job kickoff.
You get the idea.
Common pitfalls
The battle of what I should be charging begins in cold hard calculations, but often end in an emotional battle within.
And there are some traps…
Focusing on the price instead of value:
Just remember, there are more ways to win a deal than being the cheapest. In fact, being the cheapest can lose you the deal.
If price was the only thing that closed a deal, then Lambo would never sell a car.
Don’t even try to be the cheapest. Instead, try to be the best value.
Hack: the best thing you can do to win the deal is being the first proposal back to the client. Focus on speed with templates and production rates to produce your proposals.
Charging the lower rate anyway:
If you charge the lower rate anyway, regardless what your calculations tell you…
Yes, you have the hit of the down payment and you get the job.
But you just signed yourself up for cashflow pain in a few weeks or months.
It’s not worth it.
It doesn’t matter what you tell yourself, you can’t win by caving.
Cutting hours in the estimate to lower the price:
This one is a lot like just charging the lower rate anyway.
It’s just that instead of lowering the price, you do things like reduce the quantity of man-hours, materials, or equipment in the bid, to bring the price down.
Then it takes what you thought it would take anyway, and you realize you were just kidding yourself the whole time.
Don’t fall prey.
Instead, focus on adjusting scope of work to bring the price down, not just trying to fiddle with the price by itself.
Trying to compete with the lowest bid:
“I have another proposal from your competitor and they are 20% less.”
My favorite comeback?
“Hmmm interesting… I’m curious, why haven’t you hired them yet?”
And then shut up.
Go crush it this season!
If you need to quickly check your hourly rate, and see how much you could move the needle by adding production labor or cutting overhead expenses, use my free hourly rate calculator.
Weston Zimmerman
SynkedUP CEO & founder

Weston Zimmerman
CEO and co-founder
See SynkedUP in action
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