
How many times have you seen a contractor that did the work, but then took weeks or months to finally send the bill?
I know, crazy.

Why does that happen? Because it takes too long to write up the invoice and the contractor is too busy!

Skip all the tedious adding things up, missing the add-ons, and painstakingly typing out each invoice.

Improve cashflow, plus provide an amazing client experience by providing easy and automated invoicing that they can pay in a few clicks online.

SynkedUP integrates directly with QuickBooks Online.

How Does it Actually Work?

The Old Way

The SynkedUP Way

The Old Way

Running cash or checks to the bank.

The SynkedUP Way

Billing is integrated with QuickBooks Online so you can ship out invoices in a snap and get paid right away. No running cash and checks around town.

The Old Way

Life is crazy. You’re rushing to meet demands for the next job. …And missed billing for that change order, that last lawn cut, or that little job you snuck in to the schedule.

The SynkedUP Way

SynkedUP knows exactly what you did, when you did it, and for whom you did it for. It’s impossible to miss billing for anything.

The Old Way

You painstakingly add up all the services you’ve done, the materials you added above and beyond the original quote, etc. so you can get an accurate invoice out.

…or you miss those things altogether and don’t bill for them at all.

The SynkedUP Way

SynkedUP tracks your activity, and you bill immediately as you wrap up the service on-site from the mobile app. Or when you get back to the office, there’s a digital paper trail of everything you did, all the materials you used, and all the math is done for you already. All you need to do is hit a button to send the invoice.

The Old Way

You slowly and repeatedly type out each invoice in QuickBooks Online.

The SynkedUP Way

You simply review your work and billable totals, hit a button, and the invoice is instantly in QuickBooks Online, with the correct totals, categories, and descriptions.

The Old Way

When the customer approves your proposal, you thank them and tell them you’ll send them the invoice for the down payment when you get back to the office.

The SynkedUP Way

The moment the customer approves the proposal, they automatically get the down payment invoice, for exactly the correct amount, based on what portions of the job the customer approved.

Your first week of using SynkedUP

Your second week of using SynkedUP

Your third week of using SynkedUP

See SynkedUP in action

Learn how you can use SynkedUP to power your landscaping business, with scheduling and time tracking, materials, costs, billing info for service tickets, and more.