Time Tracking

Time tracking is a sleeping giant to your business. Why? Because time tracking is not just payroll. 

In that timesheet data lies a treasure trove of data that also informs your job costing, estimated vs actual man-hours, and production rate data.

Armed with this data, you can institute a feedback loop into your business that will tell you exactly where you went right and where you went wrong on every job, helping you to avoid making the same estimating or production mistakes over and over again.

With SynkedUP time tracking, you can track, review, analyze learn, and get better for the next job.

How Does it Actually Work?

The Old Way

The SynkedUP Way

The Old Way

Inaccurate paper timesheets, manual spreadsheets that get messed up, lost, etc 

The SynkedUP Way

Accurate timesheets that show employees what they’ve worked on each job, day, and week in real time.

The Old Way

You’re tracking time for payroll, but have no way of seeing if you are over/under the estimated time on the job. 

The SynkedUP Way

You’re not only tracking time for payroll, you’re also automatically allocating that time to a job, which then shows you a progress bar for estimated vs actual man-hours on the job.

The Old Way

When you go over the alloted estimated man-hours of a job, the million dollar question is why? What part of the job sucked up the extra labor?

The SynkedUP Way

When you go over the alloted estimated man-hours on a job, you can immediately see on what part of the job, who worked on that part, and go digging in the data to understand the issue, so that you don’t repeat the same mistake on the next job!

The Old Way

When you go over hours on a job, you may not even know it. If you did take the time to track it in spreadsheets, etc, it takes weeks to get to the realization that you went over hours. By the time you realize it, your team is on to the next job, and have a hard time remembering why or what caused the labor overuns.

The SynkedUP Way

When you go over hours on a job, you know it in real time. In fact, you can anticipate it happening before it even happens, which gives you the ability to react in real time. Which gives you the ability to have discussions amongst your team to produce high quality learning on what it’ll take to not repeat the same mistake on the next job. 

The Old Way

No way of knowing where the team member was when they clocked in or out. Were they at home? Or actually at the shop?

The SynkedUP Way

You can see exactly where the team member was standing when they clocked in with exact GPS cooridinates, and can see if and when they edited or backdated the time sheets.*
*PRO plan only

Your first week of using SynkedUP

Your second week of using SynkedUP

Your third week of using SynkedUP

See SynkedUP in action

Learn how you can use SynkedUP to power your landscaping business, with scheduling and time tracking, materials, costs, billing info for service tickets, and more.