Job Costing - Where Do I Start?

You’re a contractor that has gotten your estimating process down pretty good, you’re feeling good about it, and now you’re turning your focus to – job costing.
Job costing… You get the idea in principle, but where do you start?
In principle, job costing is just comparing your estimated hours, materials, and expenses with your actual hours, materials, and expenses.
You’re looking for areas where you spent more hours than estimated.
Or where you may have needed more materials than you estimated.
Or possibly even materials you may have completely forgotten to include in the estimate!
The goal?
To identify mistakes, learn from them, and adjust the next estimate accordingly.
To avoid repeating the same mistakes on your future estimates.
Now, job costing is a little like taking a rifle to a shooting range, settling the rifle on sand bags, lining the crosshairs up on the bullseye, and carefully squeezing off the perfect shot.
you never look where you hit.
You chamber another round and shoot again.
And again.
Never checking the target after each shot.
You could be completely missing the target!
But you don’t know because you’re not looking.
You burn through an entire box of ammo, and fail to hit your goal…
The real life equivalent to that “burning through all your ammo” is like burning through all the cash in your checking account, before you stop to study as to what might be wrong.
And why is your hard work just draining your bank account balance instead of growing it?
Job costing is just like walking up to the target and looking where you hit after every shot.
“Every shot” meaning every job.
Did you hit the bullseye? Your profit goals.
I wanna job cost – how do I start?
Ok, let’s assume you’re bought in, you’re ready to go, let’s figure out this job costing thing.
What do I need to do?
- Track time to a job
- Make sure every receipt is marked with a job name or PO
- Make sure you document any materials pulled from your bulk supply at your shop (as pulling stuff from your bulk supply doesn’t generate a receipt.
You can do this the old school pen & paper way, or the advanced way with software.
Before we built SynkedUP, (which does job costing automatically), we were using a pen and paper method at Tussey Landscaping.
We had a job folder, and inside of it was our design, estimated materials list, estimated man-hours, and client info.
As the job was getting done, every day we’d write down how many man-hours we had worked, what materials we used from our bulk supply at the shop, and we’d slide any receipts or invoices from vendors into the job folder.
At the end of the job, the foreman would turn in the job folder to the office. (battered, muddy, and torn of course 😜)
In the office we’d take a spreadsheet and plug in all of our estimated man-hours, materials, and expenses from the original estimate.

Then we’d carefully add up all the stuff from the job folder – the actual man-hours, materials, and expenses, and then compare.
Did we go over on labor?
Under on materials?
We’d review as a team and try to learn what we could do better the next time we do similar work.
Do we need to factor in additional labor on the next job like this?
Stage materials differently?
You get the idea.
(P.S. You can get a free job costing spreadsheet template here)
The Daily Discipline Job Costing Requires
At its most basic, simple form – to do job costing, it is as simple as daily tracking.
Daily tracking of hours, materials, and expenses.
If you get that, you have the data you need to job cost with.
The challenges with doing it manually with pen and paper was how long it took to get the estimated vs actual data pulled together.
It was almost always weeks after the job was actually completed.
Which muted our quality of learning from it.
Once we built SynkedUP however, we had it in real-time! Live!

As the crew clocked in and out on the mobile app, both the office staff and the crew had a real-time progress bar of estimated vs actual hours on the job.
As the crew entered the materials they used, they could see a live feed of whether they were going over or staying under the material allocations.
The quality of our learning, and the connection our crew felt to the performance of the job was exponentially better.
Suddenly, because we could see this job costing in real time, our crew was able to contribute meaningful suggestions and insight as to how we could improve.
The reality about whether you’ll successfully do job costing or not
So, to wrap this up, the hard part about job costing isn’t the act of comparing estimated vs actual hours and expenses.
It’s the daily real-time collection of those hours and expenses and showing them in a live estimated vs actual report to the entire team!
That daily collection of the data, the discipline of making it engrained into your DNA to track that stuff every day, that is the hard part.
And that’s ultimately why we ended up building SynkedUP. To make that daily discipline as easy and automated as possible.
Whether you’ll successfully achieve job costing or not hinges on one key thing – can you make daily tracking of time and expenses a part of your DNA, your culture, something that gets done day in and day out? And not only if you remember…
If you rely on willpower alone, you’ll fail.
You need to make it a system and process that happens without you and your team even thinking about it.
And that’s what SynkedUP is built for.
If you’re curious as to what it’d look like for your business, you can check out more info on our website, or book a call with one of our experts.
We’ll show it to you, and work to learn more about your business, to see if it’s a good fit for you.
Get that job costing implemented into your business!
Pledge that not another shot will be fired until you’ve walked up and inspected that target 😉
Weston Zimmerman
SynkedUP CEO and founder

Weston Zimmerman
CEO and co-founder
See SynkedUP in action
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