The Power of Following Up on Proposals

why following up on proposals is key to closing more deals

Ever have that sneaking suspicion that you lost work because you forgot to follow up on that proposal you sent … erm, weeks ago?

Well, let’s talk about the power of following up on proposals.

The reality is people are busy.

Both you as the salesperson and your prospect.

I know I’ve personally been in a situation where I fully intended to move ahead with something as a customer of a business. I just didn’t approve it when I first viewed the proposal, got distracted, was busy at work the next week, and the next thing you know weeks have gone by.

I also have gotten reminders, and been like “Oh yeah! Let me take care of that.”

And bonus points if it is easy. Click a button to approve, pay, and be done with it.

It’s just human nature.

Gotta be the easiest to do business with to stay ahead of your competition.

The good news is, you can do all of that within the SynkedUP app.

We rolled out a new feature earlier this year that automatically follows up with your prospect if they haven’t yet approved your proposal.

And since we rolled it out, our customers have closed an additional $7.1 million, purely from those automated follow up reminders.

If we average that out across our entire user base, that’s about $13k per company.

And I know that not all our user base has utilized the feature. Not even close.

So the real number for the users that have used it is much higher.

So, if you are reading this and are already using SynkedUP, try it out!

Pro tip: research shows the best time to do your first follow up is 2ish days after you’ve first sent it.

automate proposals

If you’re feeling a bit left out, check out our SynkedUP proposals! You can learn more about how they work here, or book a call with one of our awesome sales folks and have them show it to you live.

Go get em!

Sell more work.

Let’s go!

Weston Zimmerman

SynkedUP CEO & co-founder


Weston Zimmerman
CEO and co-founder

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See SynkedUP in action

Learn how you can use SynkedUP to power your landscaping business, with scheduling and time tracking, materials, costs, billing info for service tickets, and more.

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