Want Less Office Time and More "You" Time?

If you’ve ever started your own business, I’m willing to bet that you’ve at least thought to yourself…
”How can I get someone to do my office work for my business, so I don’t have to do it at night?”
In my talk at the annual Contractor Summit this year, I explored 4 hurdles that I see contractors facing, which often end up stunting their growth and/or satisfaction in their business.
This thing of office work, and who does it, and by what system or process, is one of them.
You can’t get paid for an invoice you never send out.
Your employees can’t get paid unless someone runs payroll.
Your taxes won’t get done unless someone categorizes revenue and expenses in your QuickBooks.
Pair that with the fact that contractors are the busiest people on the face of the earth…
And often you’ll see a business who’s backend office ops have the appearance of a rat race.
Chasing the urgent instead of the important.
And when that is the case, cashflow, morale, quality of life, things getting done on time, etc all suffers.
My favorite quote from James Clear’s book on Atomic Habits is:
“You do not rise to the level of your goals…
you fall to the level of your systems”
And your business’s office work is one of the first places that need to have systems in place.
Without it you’ll never get your head above water.
What do I want you to take away from this article?
Many contractors feel as though they are saving money by not hiring out or delegating these tasks in the office.
And by making that decision, forever stay in a place where there is no process that ensures things get done like clockwork.
And their quality of life suffers, as they let dinner get cold and work nights and weekends to get this office stuff done.
What I’m hoping you’ll consider is that the couple grand a month you’d need to pay to someone to turn your office ops into autopilot is peanuts compared to what you gain on the other side.
Picture yourself coming home from the jobsite, later than expected, rushing to make it home in time for dinner.
Oh! Payroll needs run yet! (Nope, it’s already done)
I haven’t sent out the invoice for that last job we completed! (Nope, it’s already done)
I haven’t categorized transactions in my QuickBooks in weeks! (Nope, it’s already done)
I haven’t entered receipts into my job costing reports at all this week yet! (Nope, it’s already done)
That’s what is possible.
And you don’t necessarily have to hire an employee to do this. (Although you could)
There are 2 moves you can make to execute on making this part of your business run by systems.
- Get a software like SynkedUP
- Hire a virtual assistant
Now I don’t necessarily recommend going off-shore, I prefer to hire someone state-side that can hit the ground running, and have a good sense of what is happening out there in the real world when you’re out working.
If you hire a good one, they can be the ones building the processes for you.
Not the other way around.
A lot of our customers have had great success with hiring someone like Advanced Administrations.
They know and understand SynkedUP already, and it’s kind of like an out of the box, plug n play admin in your business.
But getting the software is key.
Onboarding into a software kind of acts like a forcing function and makes you evaluate the way you do things today, and how to best set up the process you want going forward.
And then because software doesn’t let you break the rules, you’ll look up in a few weeks and be like: “Man! This is awesome!”
The clean, fresh feeling of things just being done.
Things that used to be manual are now partially or fully automated.
You actually have the headspace to sit back and think, analyze, be more strategic.
You are no longer chasing the urgent.
You are chasing the important.
And that is the difference between having a system and not having a system.
If you’d like to learn more about how SynkedUP can make this entire section of running your business easier, hit us up and get on a call.
We’ll work to understand more about your business, and identify bottlenecks, and show you how SynkedUP solves them.
Then you get to decide what you want.
After all – it is a free world.
We sleep in the bed we made.
Weston Zimmerman
founder & CEO of SynkedUP.

Weston Zimmerman
CEO and co-founder
See SynkedUP in action
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