What Are You Putting Off?

What are you putting off?

Today’s blog is a bit different.

I’m zooming out, talking about a higher perspective.

Yesterday I received a jolt, which prompted me to write about this title of “What are you putting off?”

To give you a bit of context, we are visiting my wife’s family in Romania right now.

Yes my wife is Romanian. 😜

I met her while over here on a trip in 2012. You can read a bit more of that story here.

While over here on this visit, I’m trying to be present, and live in the moment, all the while admittedly still staying connected to work.

As a business owner, taking time off, I mean really taking time off, freeing my mind of work is hard for me.

I struggle to let go.

I have a feeling a lot of you know what I’m talking about.

Maybe I needed a reminder…

Well… I got one.

Yesterday my wife’s two younger brothers were helping me do some work at our little cabin, then headed to work.

My phone rang about 10 minutes after they left.

I saw his name come up. I had a bad feeling before I even answered.

He was struggling to put his sentences together. But I heard “accident”, “bridge”, and “we’re ok”.

I jumped in the car and drove up to this:

Without going into all the details, I’ll just say they’re extremely lucky to be alive.

They walked away with barely a few scratches.

God was watching over them.

My mind has been racing ever since.

We never know when our time is up.

It can be over in a snap.

What am I putting off?

What am I delaying?

What have I not said to someone?

What improvement or move have I been telling myself “I’ll do it later” “When things are better/easier/more time.”

Life will not just continue on as normal forever.

As you’re enjoying your coffee this morning, reflect for a moment…

What do you need to do?

What thing do you need to say?

What phone call do you need to make?

What vice do you need to break free from?

What change do you need to stop putting off?

Tomorrow is guaranteed to no one.

Do what you need to do.




Weston Zimmerman
CEO and co-founder

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