Job Costing
Job costing is not hard. You can do it with a notepad and calculator.
Collecting the data to job cost with is hard
You can even set up a spreadsheet to job cost pretty quickly. But the hours it takes to record and enter those numbers into the spreadsheet is the friction point. And then you are telling yourself you need to do that for every job 😱 It’s not gonna happen. We both know it.
That’s why we built SynkedUP. Job costing happens automatically. LIVE.
See how SynkedUP automatically recovers overhead in your pricing, and tracks job profitability in real-time.
FREE Job Costing Spreadsheet
Quick easy tool to find out how much money you made on your latest job 💪

This spreadsheet helped us get off the ground and charge correctly.
Caleb Crayton
Kindred Outdoor Solutions
How Does it Actually Work?
The Old Way
The SynkedUP Way
The Old Way
Not job cost at all because the friction is too high to collect data
The SynkedUP Way
Collect the data (time, materials used, equipment) live, as it is happening, automatically.
The Old Way
Job Cost in a spreadsheet. Works when you use it. But usually its days after the project actually happened, can’t remember what you used. Your guys forgot to write things down. So you just forget it. Your spreadsheet stays buried in your folders for another year
The SynkedUP Way
Record the data as it’s happening. Automatic part of your daily workflow. The job costing report is updating live, as the project is being executed. Automatically. No trying to remember what you did last week. No guessing on your numbers. Know with 100% clarity how you did on every. single. job.
The Old Way
Have no idea what you made on a job
The SynkedUP Way
Know exactly what you made. To the penny. In Gross profit. In Net Profit.
The Old Way
You lost money. You know you did. But you have no idea why.
The SynkedUP Way
Know exactly what went wrong (or right) and where. Know what part of the project was estimated incorrectly. Know where you had over runs. Know what to do to not repeat the same mistake again. Immediately. Not at the end of the year when your accountant calls you with a grim tone.
Your first week of using SynkedUP
Your second week of using SynkedUP
Your third week of using SynkedUP
Aren’t you tired of just hoping you’re making enough money?
With the right budgeting, man-hour rate, and job costing, you don’t need to worry about end-of-year consequences.
Open the app any time of the month, and you’ll know how much you’re making and what you need to do to stay in the black.

3 years ago I was buying tools from Harbor Freight on a credit card. Today I wrote a check for $59,000 for an excavator attachment - no stress.
Alex Bulow
Inca Stone
Rated 4.9 of 5 stars by hundreds of landscapers
“I’m getting proposals to my clients before I even leave the driveway”
“The job costing alone is huge. Now we’re staying on budget”
“The template is huge. I estimated a $100k+ job in 30 minutes”
See SynkedUP in action
Learn how SynkedUP solves the top two profit killers that contractors face…
Not to mention how SynkedUP users speed up their estimating time by 90% and close more jobs that are priced profitably.